• Question: what is the most unusual organ?

    Asked by anon-202723 to Rebecca, Raashid, Matthew, Marie, Hanna, Gareth on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Gareth Nye

      Gareth Nye answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      The placenta! It does the job of a heart, lungs, liver and kidney all in the space of nine months! The funny thing is – the placenta is the reason we are all here today and most of the time it just gets thrown in the bin!

    • Photo: Rebecca Gosling

      Rebecca Gosling answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I think the stomach is quite unusual! Did you know the stomach has to keep recreating a new lining to stop it from eating itself! It also blushes when you blush..

    • Photo: Marie Cameron

      Marie Cameron answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      The brain – it is so complex that we still understand relatively little about how it works. Did you know that the nerve cells in the brain that help us to learn, speak, dance, laugh etc. are pruned like a tree as a child develops? You start of with millions of nerves and nerve connections, and the connections for things that you don’t do or use often get pruned away, so you lose the ability to do or learn some things. That is why it is so important that children’s brains are constantly stimulated in different ways.

    • Photo: Hanna Jeffery

      Hanna Jeffery answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I have to agree, the brain is pretty odd and amazing. Something quite wierd about eyes too – even babies want to stare at them. You are born with the only eyes you will ever have and they never grow.

    • Photo: Matthew Smith

      Matthew Smith answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      I’ll mix it up and say the skin. The skin is our biggest organ but most don’t even know it is one (i must admit i have the habit of ignoring it!). The skin is crucial as a barrier to things that could harm us and also acts as a really important body cooling system. Also, the skin can replenish it’s cells over time so that in an average life time you can have around 900 completely new skins!

    • Photo: Raashid Ali

      Raashid Ali answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      I think I would pick the heart. It performs an incredible job ALL THE TIME, even when we don’t think about it. It’s also got a spiritual meaning, it’s what we use to love our friends and family and I think that’s awesome. No other organ has such an important role, inside and outside the body.
