• Question: what is your favourite organ?

    Asked by anon-202723 to Rebecca, Raashid, Matthew, Marie, Hanna, Gareth on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Gareth Nye

      Gareth Nye answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      The placenta again! It does the job of a heart, lungs, liver and kidney all in the space of nine months! The funny thing is – the placenta is the reason we are all here today and most of the time it just gets thrown in the bin!

    • Photo: Marie Cameron

      Marie Cameron answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I’m going to go for the pancreas. It is a really interesting organ that does many cool things, plus I love food and the pancreas is involved with both food digestion (for example, it produces a chemical called lipase that helps the body break down carbohydrates in bread/pasta etc.), and it produces chemicals called hormones that help the body deal with a type of sugar called glucose. If the pancreas doesn’t work properly this can lead to a condition called diabetes.

    • Photo: Rebecca Gosling

      Rebecca Gosling answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      The heart. It never gets to rest. It is designed so that it keeps beating constantly and is central to everything else. Without the heart no other organ could survive. Despite being so important it is also quite simple. It is basically just a pump but its job is soooooo important.

    • Photo: Raashid Ali

      Raashid Ali answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I have two favourites!

      The heart! It works so hard to support the body with blood which is important to every organ! Like Rebecca has said, it never rests and still does a its job well!!
      I also love the heart because it is very interesting organ to understand when it doesn’t beat like it should, there are lots of different ways the heart can stop beating normally and learning to read the ECG (electrocardiogram) and then understand it is awesome!

      And I also like the kidney. I enjoyed learning the anatomy of the kidney, the nephrons and the different forces used to remove and retain the good and back electrolytes from the body! It is one of the organs that requires our support on ICU and I am involved in arranging the machines to give it help.

    • Photo: Matthew Smith

      Matthew Smith answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I’m glad i have another fan of the pancreas in Marie!

      I’ll pick something different and perhaps a little boringly i’ll say the brain. It is so crucial to everything we do, from what mood we are in the storing cherished memories. It’s also an incredibly powerful computer that is capable of doing many tasks simultaneously that we take for granted but are in fact incredibly complex and amazing!

      Unfortunately, mine needs to be kick-started with a cup of coffee every morning. Luckily, one thing scientists live is coffee!

    • Photo: Hanna Jeffery

      Hanna Jeffery answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Tough question. I’m going to say the skin. Most of us take it for granted that it can fix itself and keep us safe from the sun, water, bugs etc – but it is amazing. It grows in layers, from the inside of you to the outside. We make a huge amount of new skin every day and have to clean up all the skin which falls off as dust. People who have skin problems like eczema know just how important it is to look after it – skin which doesn’t work properly can cause awful pain.
