• Question: What languages can you speak?

    Asked by anon-202621 to Rebecca, Raashid, Matthew, Marie, Hanna, Gareth on 12 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Gareth Nye

      Gareth Nye answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      English and bad English! Sometimes when I’m talking about my work people think I’m talking a different language

    • Photo: Rebecca Gosling

      Rebecca Gosling answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I leanrt French at school and even thought i was quite good at one point but i then went to France and couldnt understand a word they said 🙁 so just English really for me!

    • Photo: Matthew Smith

      Matthew Smith answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I only really speak English. I know bits of Spanish and French (enough to get directions or order food). My girlfriend is Greek so I am learning that now, though.

    • Photo: Marie Cameron

      Marie Cameron answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Sadly, only English. I know a few words of French from school, and I can count to ten in Gaelic, which is the native language of the Scottish Highlands and Islands. My mum and many of my family speak fluent Gaelic, and there is an attempt to get more young people speaking it in Scotland.

    • Photo: Hanna Jeffery

      Hanna Jeffery answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I studied French at school, but have never been able to speak it very well. I have picked up a little bit of Welsh – just words that my kids bring back from school, and what we sing in my choir.
